Washington State has one of the best voter registration laws in the country!
Washington is a "Vote by Mail" state. This means that a ballot for each election (local and national) is mailed directly to your address. You fill out the ballot and mail it back in the envelope provided, or you can drop it off at your local ballot drop box.
Our voting system automatically reminds you of every election. You can vote at the convenience of your kitchen table where you can research the ballot measures and candidates as you fill out your ballot.
Registration Options
- If you have a Washington drivers license or ID card you can register online. Here's the link: MyVote
- If you don't have either of the above documents you can print out a voter registration form and mail it to the elections office or you can go to your county elections office and register in person. Here's the link: Voter Registration Info
- You can also register to vote when you obtain or renew your drivers license at your local DMV.
Eligibility to Vote
- You must be a U.S. citizen
- You must be a resident of Washington.
- You must be at least 18 years old when you vote.
- You cannot be disqualified due to a court order.
- You cannot be currently under supervision for a felony conviction.
For additional voter information about special circumstances such as absentee voting, snowbird, military/overseas, college, and disability please visit the Secretary of State Elections and Voting website.