Your Federal Elected Officials

You have two Senators and one congressman in Washington D.C. Senators Murray and Cantwell represent the whole state and our congressman, Dan Newhouse, represents Washington’s 4th Congressional District. Our district runs mostly north/south and covers Okanogan, Moses Lake, Tri-Cities, and Yakima. You can see a map and get additional information on the Wikipedia page for Washington’s 4th Congressional District. The links below will take you to their official websites but for quick reference we have included their Washington D.C. phone numbers. To contact them by email you can use the form on their websites.

Please see the Focus Your Efforts page for tips on getting the most impact from contacting the people we vote into office. Your elected representatives care what you think!

Senator Patty Murray
(202) 224-2621

Senator Maria Cantwell
(202) 224-3441

Representative Dan Newhouse
(202) 225-5816

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Your State Elected Officials

The election district for our state legislators is different than the district for our congressman. Grant County is in the 13th Legislative District which covers an west-to-east swath from Snoqualmie Pass to Reardan. Here’s a map of the 13th Legislative District.

Each Legislative District in Washington has one Senator and two Representatives who make our laws in Olympia. They don’t get a lot of attention but our state legislators can affect our lives more than our politicians in Washington D.C.

Senator Judy Warnick
(360) 786-7624

Representative Tom Dent
(360) 786-7932

Representative Alex Ybarra
(360) 786-7808